A few more tidbits about Hudson. He is a really smart and quiet pointer. He would be a lower energy dog in my opinion. He has only been at my house for a couple of days, but he is so good. He pays no attention to my 4 cats and has just started to try and play with my dogs. He enjoyed his first trip to the dog park this morning. He is trusting us more and feeling secure enough to run and enjoy himself. He also listens extremely well and sleeps like a rock. I let him sleep in my bedroom on his bed on the floor and he is very quiet. He sleeps through the night. He rides in the car very well also.
Hudson has gained 7 lb in foster care. He is happy and energetic, loves stuffed toys and tennis balls. Gets along well with cats and dogs, is still a puppy at heart, so his exuberance may be too much for small kids. He now takes treats from my hand more carefully. He gets very excited at mealtime and I feed him separately in his crate. He is housebroken, no accidents, and not destructive of household or personal objects. He walks much better on a leash with a gentle leader. He loves to cuddle on the couch and have his belly rubbed. He plays a little rough, but takes correction from the older dogs pretty well. He learns quickly and is very smart.
January 24, 2010
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